Black House by Stephen King
I've probably read all of Stephen King's books so I can't possibly give this one a bad review!! This one grabs you right off the bat!! By the time you're at page 50 you don't want to stop turning the pages!! Very descriptive and very creepy as usual!! You know what you're getting when you pick up a Stephen King book!!!
Black House
I only got to page 40 in this book and I was totally shocked. I used to love to read Stephen King or Peter Straub but haven't for quite some time because their writing became too bizarre for my taste. This book was horribly gruesome in just the short time I read it, describing, in detail, abductions and mutilations of young children. Anyone who thinks this book is worth reading is "warped!"
What happened?
I don't pretend to be a book critic, but I was so very disappointed with Black House. I usually finish a SK book in 1 or 2 days - I've been reading this "horror" for (gee, scratch scratch) so long I can't even recall when I started it! I actually fell asleep one evening with the book perched on my belly.I didn't like the "meandering gunk". The rest wasn't even a horror. It wasn't scarey...just gory (the intestine thing wasn't even worth reading - you knew it was coming). There was a lot written and not much said if you know what I mean - I was three quarters of the way through it and was wondering when something was gonna happen - aside from Ty's kidnapping, and Judy's mental break down, can you think of anything? Oh.. Sophie was a nice .. but again...not enough development here. Everything was just kind of dangly..gearing up for another Jack Sawyer adventure?If you're a SK fan, then you'll have to read it of course. But wait and save some $$ and buy it in paperback.
What utter, pretentious drivel. This book is an insult to The Talisman. I loved that book and really looked forward to the sequel. After 18 years both authors have become long-winded and obviously in love with their own prose. Compare the two books and the difference will be immediately apparent. Over 200 pages in and Jack has finally remembered what came before. I have decided that I don't care how it comes out. I am going to move on to something that is written better and is more enjoyable to read such as one of Phil Rickman's novels.
gives you goosebumps...or even more
it is totally cool.that's a real chiller,so you'll lose a good deal of sleep once you've started to read "black house".i personally think,that stephen king is one of our most popular writers...ever.he's really the KING of HORROR.the character of the fisherman gave me a lot of sleepless nights waiting for the him to catch me.....if you want to be taken on a trip to the heart of darkness and your darkest nightmares to come true,than this is a must-have,be sure!!!!!
C. Montgomery Burns, anyone?
As already noted, by far the most interesting character in this novel is the pedophilic, cannabalistic child murderer-taken over by a demon, the elderly Burnside. Unfortunate choice of name, as I kept picturing that bad ol' man of Springfield, C. Monty Burns carrying out the killings ("Chop, chop! Excellent!"). The book also borrows outrageously from both the film EXORCIST III and the novel THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. There are wonderful passages, to be sure, and I actually enjoyed the gimmick of the omniscent, flying narrator. I just didn't think the book, as a whole, ahem, flew.