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I disliked this book-It's boring

I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone unless you're looking for something really boring to read. I didn't like it and the flashbacks totally threw me off. I thought making a book about boys chasing buffalo wouldn't turn anyone on unless it was the only book available while they were in jail. The "Bedwetters" seemed like some pretty lame people especially because they were teenagers who wet the bed. I thought the suicide threats by Goodenow were ridiculous and totally pointless to the book's story. I guess I give a star, menaing 1, one, but if 0 was a choice, i might pick that too.

i read it in english class

this book was obviously written by the author to be so full of trippy flashbacks and obscure references that everyone would assume that it was "deep" and not try to puzzle out its real meaning-except english teachers! it seems as if the author simply wrote this book without several basic things 1)a plot 2)meaning 3)coherence 4)a grasp on the english language, and just hoped that it would come together at the end. it didn't! this book is like one of those modern art paintings that could be done by a five year old. If you are the kind of person who loves to ooh and aah over those because no one understands them, then you will love this book. If you are like me and just want cheap entertainment or real meaningful books then avoid this book and hope you never have my english teacher!

the worst book ever made

I think this book was horrible, after the bad story line and winy kids you want to light the book on fire. I was forced to read this book and I'm only in 8th grade. One thing I would have change is the ending, after enduring all that time thinking that they were finally going to become men. They kill there leader and make them all become babies again. I think this book was a waste of money and a waste of paper. This book infuriates me; it makes me want to throw up. With the presents of some comedy this book might have been funnier but no they had to make the worst book ever wrote. The story line is that these kids see these buffalo getting slatered, and these kids go up and try and break them out. And on the way cotton, Teft, goodenow, Lally 1 and 2 and Shecker get in some hijacked cars and shooting out some tires, and once they get there they almost fail but some how cotton comes up with this marvelous plan and sacrifices himself to save animals.

Could it get any more boring

I read the book in English class and it was very pointless. I did not like the plot of the story or the setting. The say in the book, "You send us a criminal, will send you a cowboy." More like "You make us read this book, and will make you pay a penny for it."

Dull and drawn out

This book could be fully and completely told in 3 sentences or less, yet it is drawn out in an uneventful tale that is supposed to be suspenseful, but is generally unappealing. Although the linkage to the Bible is somewhat interesting, it loses its effect in this dull novel. I don't reccomend anyone waste their precious time reading about a group of boys going on a nightlong joyride.


The book was a pretty good book. It was more exciting then I thought it would be less more adventures. It was a good book but it would be better if they were saving people other that buffalo. I mean come on what bunch of 13 and 15 year old kids are going to be trying to save a batch of buffalo? The characters in the book were good described, and they were well fit for the spot in the book. The setting in the book was well played out by the author. The flashbacks in the book were kind of awkward. Some of them really had no point to them. The point of view in the book was told well because it wasn't in any of the characters point of view. Well John Cotton was there leader and they followed him like he was a god. They did that because he was the oldest and he took the part in being the leader. So that is what I have to say about the book!!


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