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🎉 Your SNAP 🥳

Enough to drive a lawyer bananas. If you're going to write about a trial, you should attempt to be knowledgable about the rules of court. Maybe I missed it, but was Hannah African American? I don't recall any mention of ethnicity until the end when her skin was described as the color of milk chocolate.


The profanity was SO bad I had to stop reading it in the first chapter. Sure am glad I did not pay for this trash. The story line might have been good, but I could not get passed the profanity.


Pervasive profanity from very start. What a shame. I won't read anymore of this text. Garbage in, garbage out. too bad.

Slow and boring

I did not like this book as the writing was so boring - The author used names of the characters over and over in the same sentence instead of he or she - it became a drag just to get to the end of the book - The subject matter was interesting but the presentation was weak -

Hostle Witness

I found the story line interesting, but I did not finish the book. I found the use of vulgarity offensive, and I personally choose not to read a book where the author has to use vulgar language to convey her/his thoughts.I would not recommned this book for this reason.

Feisty female attorney

Looking for an attorney character who goes out on a limb for her client? Meet Josie Baylor-Bates, who never gives up! Hostile Witness is also a good look at some interesting step-family dynamics.No spoilers here, but give this fiction slack for the apparent lack of police work involved in a prominent Supreme Court Justice's death and the female attorney carrying the load. Hey, that's why it's called fiction! Enjoy the read.


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