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Not up to snuff

I have high standards for books that are supposed to be biographical. Sometimes you get what you're expecting, sometimes not. In this case, I got something I didn't want. What I did want was a book about Sarah McLachlan that didn't try to sensationalize the events in her life. If you expect that from this book, you'll be disappointed. Without an interview, I'd say that Fitzgerald had to scrape up whatever she could get, and just make do with it. Her writing style isn't much, it's not really suited to this type of book, but it's apparent she thought that this was a way to grab readers without having very interesting material. It's obvious that this is just another drop in the bucket for the music biography world.

Old dog, old tricks

The thing that makes me sad about this book is that Judith Fitzgerald wants people to believe the regurgitated pap in this book, and never look beyond her half-truths. Many of the articles that she quotes in the book are only half quoted. She leaves out any part of them that doesn't go along with what she wants you to believe is the truth about Sarah McLachlan, Terry McBride, and Uwe Vandrei. There are so many "anonymous" sources credited, that I don't give credence to any of them. If you read this book, make sure that you've read up on the facts first so that you can tell the fiction from the reality

Tries too hard to be cool

This is one of the worst books ever made and it was made just so they could turn a quick buck with the name of a rising star. I wonder what the author was thinking when she wrote this pile of crap. The book tries too hard be slick and cool, but it ultimately goes nowhere and it takes awhile to get there.

Less fun than a root canal

Unfortunately, this is what passes for biography these days. If you have an IQ lower than four, chances are you'll think this is the greatest book ever.Hmm, I remember reading this book a while back...and I must say it is STILL one of the few books I ever just refused to finish...there was a fourth of the book left and I was not gonna make myself read it.. Was this book up to standard?? Oh god no...not even CLOSE. THIS book barely has a plot, I refuse to believe it does...I was just shaking my head the whole time, because I had actually read reviews saying that this book was GOOD...imagine my surprise...the whole book?? Not amusing...more or less stupid...I'll go with the more option there...anyways if anybody out there hasn't read this yourself the money and don't bother.


This book got terrible reviews but because it was supposed to be offbeat and because critics don't usually "get" offbeat books, I thought I'd give it a try. Unfortunately they were right in this instance.The book just has an awkward feel too it that is most off putting. The sort of feel that is impossible to describe, but it's not a good one. To further confound things, the book is a dull aimless thing that is only vaguely interesting.

Sad state of affairs...

It is a sad state of affairs that Sarah McLachlan has to be written about this way. This book is a lifeless rehash of magazine and newspaper quotes, never breaking any new ground in any direction. The portrayal of the characters is basically weak and lacking, superficially covering Sarah's life. It is difficult for most biographies to show the real person under all hype, but even considering that fact, this book is a journey into the inane.

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