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🎉 Your SNAP 🥳
Basket handle broke first day. Toto appears rabid.

Flimsy basket came apart and the handle came off the first day of play. My daughter asked why Toto looks scary. The stuffed toy dogs muzzle expression looks sort of frightening. Total waste of money.

Toto isn't suppose to be scary!

This was a waste of money. When I received it and took toto out of the basket he was Scary looking! My daughter would have been petrified of him. They made him showing sharp teeth. He didn't look anything like toto at all.

Two stars for effort.

I wasn't impressed with this album! All of my friends enjoyed it so I borrowed it form my friend and it wasn't at all what they said!I'm not the rap type anyways!

A book that stays with you

I first read Merry Hall over 30 years ago, and having recently re-read it I was impressed by how much an impression it had made on me. Many a time I have unknowingly quoted from the work, thinking the quote apocryphal!You must read for yourself how to deal with an overgrown holly hedge, and how to plant hundreds of trees without buying them, and what berberis can do for you, and why you should cultivate periwinkle...I'm sure you'll be delighted with the finely drawn sketches of the real people populating the story: the characters of gardeners, society ladies, and men who work for the government in a clearly covert and somewhat sinister capacity. You'll enjoy the cats, the lilies, and how to create an English country garden from a neglected and ill directed site.The gentle humor reflects the gentler times before the horrors of World War 2 brought violence, destruction, and death into the hearts and homes of most of Britain.This book is a keeper!

Hard to understand

I have no idea what this book is trying to's so cluttered that I can't seem to follow it. It's boring, to say the least, and I don't really give care because you could just go to Wikipedia and get a much clearer interpretation of the case/contract.

Contracts - Cases and Materials

The seller claimed to have sent this book overnight on Friday for a price of $77.69 for shipment, but I didn't get the book till the following Thursday. Either they have a defective mail system, or the seller did not mail it out on time as a responsible seller should.

Released under the MIT License.

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