Run, don't walk away from this book.
I was really excited about the method of imprinting, I read the book and saw the video a 100 times. He made everything look terribly simple. Well the blessed event finally occurred and I did everything according to textbook. I've had trouble with my colt since. He doesn't respect me, no matter how hard I am with him. I've never seen him submit, obey after a big fight, but never submit. Submit = licking and chewing behavior. He still fights me with the feet occasionally. In fact almost broke my arm the other day after a war with the back hoof. Most will say it works with fillies but not with colts. It could just be my colt, but it sure has been an ongoing battle. I don't recommend the method or the book. Yes handle your foals, but I wouldn't overwhelm them with 45 minutes of stimuli. I would gently do each stimulas as the day progresses and as the weeks progress. One thing at a session.
Imprinting really makes a difference!
We bought this book for the 2000 foal season and were amazed at the difference it has made in our babies this year! I have been breeding Tennessee Walkers for 7 years and had heard that imprinting made a significant impact with new foals - so I deceided to try a little experiment. Our first foal, came unexpectedly in the night - three weeks early - we didn't find her until the next morning. The next mare, we watched every minute until the foal finally came. We used the methods in the book and have a truely happy and socialized stud colt. I had a customer come to view the two babies, and he commented on the difference in behavior of the two foals. The non-imprinted filly, acted scarey and distrusting - the imprinted foal walked right up to him. It is like day and night. The bonding that occurs with the foal is unbelievable. Anyone who breeds should buy this book and used the well explained method that I know have changed our babies for the better!
I bought this book when my mare was five months preg. I read hundreds of times. When my foal came I did exactly what was in it, and my foal loads, ties, is good for the farrier, leads, ponies, EVERYTHING! One should not be without this book if they want a well-mannered baby.
If you equate the name 'John Cage' with music that's random, abstract, or grating, this disc will broaden your perspective. His luscious music for harp will send you into blissful trance.
Best eye care wash
For cats/dogs or other pets it cleanses the eye of bacteria and refreshes the sinuses as it cleans the tear ducts.Will speed the troublesome upper respiratory symptom of gunky nose as it washes away the stains that come from natural eye drainage.I love this product! Clear 4 Ounce
Not that useful
I didn't really find that this helped with the stains around my dog's eyes. He still had them everyday even though I used this on him at least 3 times a day.