nWo 4 life... or for the next hour
The documentary portion of this disc is very short, but still very entertaining for anyone who lived through the nWo. So much was glossed over that could have been featured more heavily. The BluRay exclusive extras are fantastic and make this a worthwhile purchase over the DVD version. Keep in mind, this is the nWo we're talking about, so the matches on this set feature lots of interference, but really - Diamond Dallas Page vs. Macho Man. Buy the BluRay.
Great service!
I order this product and withing 1 week I had the product in my hand. It was wonderful to have no worries!
For Life! 2 Sweet!
I enjoyed the NWO when they came on the scene. One wasn't sure if this was for real at first. Really shook up the industry but then it got dragged out too long. No follow up could match it. This is a good overview although it repeats a lot from the Best of Nitro set. A bit too much Hogan, Hall & Nash. There were other members to see. Wish they had used a different War Games than the one they did (fake Sting one or Henning turning on the Horsemen). A World War 3 match from the era or any number of omissions. I like how the documentary slags using celebrities and then we have to watch 2 such matches. Good stuff but a little disappointing.
Good, but Not that Good!
The NWO the Revolution is good, but there is something missing that they should've add in the DVD such as Xpac firing, how Vince McMahon feels about the NWO, and more interviews from other former NWO members like Bret Hart and HBK. The dvd did explained more about their impact and their feud, unlike the Back in Black DVD. Surprisingly, it also contained interviews with Vince Russo and Lex Luger. Lastly, the dvd extras has all the matches and promos that the NWO: Back in Black already has.
This is an inoffensive book with decent syntax that is heavily derivative. Seems like it got a lot of 5-star reviews back before you had to be a verified purchaser of some book to be permitted to write reviews. Seems like 6 of the 9 5-star reviews (3 of them by "A Customer") were the only reviews written by those people (real or imaginary). I think Noirguy was a little harsh, but it doesn't take a super sleuth to tell that somebody skewed the rating average.
Too broad, too unfocused
In the glut of noir books out there, there seems to be a race to include the most films under the Film Noir masthead. This book provides an impressive number of films but come on! There are westerns, horror films, adventure films and simple dramas. WAY too inclusive for any kind of true film fan. (and still oddly missing a few marginal noirs) Also, the author has a strange obsession with what TV shows the actors from films have also been in. In nearly every review he mentions some TV show that so-and-so also appeared in. That information is included while he leaves out such important elements to the noir style as who the cinematographer or composers are! A huge oversight. Plus the reviews are often plot spoilers. For how expensive this book is I was highly disappointed. I'd stay with Spencer Selby's 'Dark City' While you could argue that it needs an update to include some more films, it is a far better thumbnail guide to the noir catalog.