Pointless Story
Pure fantasy and not a very interesting story. The girl is cute but other than that there are no other redeeming charactors.
Sort of pointless...
The hype o this movie is totally undeserved. The little girl was very cute but her acting wasn't anything special and the rest of the cast were bums and misfits. There is nothing noble or heartwarming about this story as some have said its kind of pointless.
Although the movie may portray some form of realism of life in the bayou, I still find it hard to believe. I found the young girl's thought process too advanced for her age, and the characters themselves boring and lifeless, which I guess is exactly what the director tried to convey. I would not recommend, and I fail to see how this movie could be nominated for an Oscar or how this young actor could be nominated for best actress (sorry for you PC people, but actress still sounds appropriate to me. What's wrong with using words to identify the sexes?)
This movie is tripe
Fard to follow. Based during and after Katrina, having lived through the storm, I found many issues with the realizm of the film. Story took a lot of discussion to come up some sort of meaning. Acting was fair.
I once lived in New Orleans and enjoyed seeing some of the area again in this movie, however it was strange to say the least and hard to get into. The main character played by the 6 year old was believable and she was good but overall the movie was just strange.
Almost nothing to like.
Pros:The little girl put on a good performance.The title is apt. The entire movie reminded me of the opening scenes of "2001 A Space Odyssey" (The Dawn of Man)Cons:Mediocre to poor photography, camera wobbled all over the place, bad editing.Often-indistinguishable dialog.No character development. One feels sorry for the girl but not because one gets to know her.No real story, per se, just a sliver of a common thread across many confusing, disjointed scenes.Mostly a "feel bad" theme (some graphically unpleasant moments).Comment:Perhaps this movie merely intended to portray a few days in the life of the Bayou in all of its primitiveness and ghastliness. I suppose it succeeds. You don't know what they're saying or doing and, presumably, they don't either. Beasts obeying their primordial instinct to survive. Point made but who cares?