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Garment may have missed his target

If Leonard Garment's research and analysis of who might have been Deep Throat is as fatally flawed as his description of John Sear's role in the l976 and l980 Reagan campaigns I would conclude that anyone but Sears remains a likely Deep Throat candidate. As a moderate Republican and a Reagan insider in both elections I was there. John's role and the reasons for his departure just simply didn't happen as Leonard avers.

he was wrong

Today, it came out that Felt was Deep Throat. Seems this guy's sleuthing ability isn't that good....

A footnote to history

Well, we finally know the identity of Deep Throat as W. Mark Felt came out of the closet yesterday and quelled the "Who Is He/She?", game. Therefore, this book is now completely outdated, irrelevant, and not worth the effort. This book was a wasted effort from the beginning, however, now it is not even worth the paper it is printed on.


Look, you don't know who "Depp Throat" is, I don't know who he/she is and Garment dosen't know either. Only Woodward, Bernstien, Ben Bradlee and "Deep Throat" him/herself does. No point in devoting hours to pondering a question that won't be answerd untill "DP" dies. This book is a waste of paper.UPDATE: Well, we all know who it was now, so I guess this book has become rather pointless. DP didn't die, but he finally "came out" so to speak. Like I said before, we all just had to wait.

A must-read for the 70s-era political junkie

It takes the generous soul of a jazz musician to plough through the detritus of Watergate in such humane fashion. Leonard Garment (once a jazzman, an identity he shares with Alan Greenspan) was in the presidential orbit and well-acquainted with most of the principals, and his search for Deep Throat is truly a labor of love. I was particularly pleased to see him recognize the long-neglected contribution of James Hougan ("Secret Agenda") to unraveling the Watergate puzzle. Garment's careful evaluation of the principal suspects and his conclusion as to the identity of Deep Throat make for a refreshing journey down memory lane. Along the way he offers a balanced, nuanced portrait of Richard Nixon - arguably the definitive American politician of the Cold War era.

An excellent read

This is must-read for any serious political junkie. Garment provides a pretty compelling argument for the identity of the most mysterious informant of the century. It's well-written and provides several interesting insights to the Watergate scandal and players.


Released under the MIT License.

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