Major Disapointment
I really thought this game was going to be great. The sampler disc that comes with the Dreamcast has a demo of the first level of the game and I really enjoyed playing it. I got a copy of this game and was quickly disapointed to learn that there are only three levels (plus a fourth hidden level) in the game. I was completely done with the game 15 minutes after popping into the console. Major disapointment! I envsioned a game with dozens of levels that would provide hours of fun, but found that not to be the case. The animation and game play are pretty cool, but the short gamespan made for a bummer of an experience.
Awesome the fishing controller. It's really worth it. This game is great from everyone little 5 year old brother to my dad all love it. It doesn't get boring and is a great way to have fun. It's also relaxing and EXTREMELY realisitic. Get this game.
How much fun can fishing be!
Keep in mind, I played the game once and was uterly boarded with the game. Graphics and content is good, however,as a non-fishing sports fan, I found it as entertaining as a major network televising fishing. I have a buddy who bought the game as is somewhat of a fisherman who thinks it's the bomb.
boring game
this game is very boring! is not even little bit of fun!the graphics are good. the game is a person on a boat and fishing! how boring is that! if you like fishing rent it first because the game could be boring to you too.
Great Mix
This is a great mixture of contemporary, urban and techno music. There is something here for everyone, or if you are like me then you will simply love every track. There isn't one dud on this disc. N'soul does it again!
Great Cable, Great Price
This is a great HDMI cable at a great price. You could spend two or three times as much and have exactly the same picture and sound. The build quality of the cable is very good - I ran mine through a wall by pulling it through with a fish tape and had no problems whatsoever. if you are thinking about buying a shorter cable, I would recommend you consider this 15' length unless you are very sure you need a shorter cable. By the time I ran the cable back through the TV mount, down the wall, and the back I had about 6' left to get to my device, which was just about perfect.