Stop carrying this book!
This book encourages parents to abuse their children to make them into robots who, if they survive, will in turn, abuse their children. Amazon-we are not buying anything from you anymore until you remove this disgusting title and all others promoting any kind of abuse of children, elderly or anyone. What were you thinking? It was used in the case of the Skagit county parents who abused their adopted child to death.[...]
Child Abuse!
This book promotes CHILD ABUSE. The acts described in this book are clearly child abuse. Therefore, this book ought to be taken off the shelves. Children are living, breathing human beings. As such they should not be subjected to TORTURE, ABUSE or treated like a draft animal. Beating an infant, a small child, or any child is abuse. Clearly the people who wrote this book hate children and get some sick sense of joy out of promoting the abuse of children. In my opinion, social services ought to ensure that these two people NEVER be allowed around children again. This book is not about teaching children discipline at all. Rather, this book is about people who feel the need to overpower, dominate and abuse young children and infants in order to make themselves feel powerful and mighty. I am disgusted and horrified this book even exists. Amazon should NOT be selling this.
Not good advice for parents
With substantiated child abuse and neglect cases in the U.S. approaching a million children, it is irresponsible to tell parents to whip children, even infants, with objects including belts. Billions of dollars are spent on child abuse prevention and treatment in the U.S. This book can only encourage and excuse child abuse.
I'd rather Spoil my child
I was reading this book and it made me sick to my stomach. Childhood only comes once, I'd rather spoil my children. Discipline can be done by just talking to them what went wrong, why it was wrong, why it shouldn't be done/why it needs to be done and get a commitment that they will do the right thing next time.
What in the name of God...
Normally I'm the type who opposes banning books, but if there's one book that should never have been written it is this one. Google "Lydia Schatz" and "Sean Paddock." They were killed by their parents who beat them incessantly. Lydia, a 7 year old adopted from Africa, was beaten for seven hours for not pronouncing an American word properly. Because wacking a kid over and over TOTALLY helps develop their language skills! I'm appalled that Amazon is continuing to sell a book that preaches child abuse. You do not "train up" a child, you do not even train animals that way! You love them, and if necessary, discipline them. Not wack them with bloody PLUMBING LINE for every little transgression when you can't be a decent parent! TTUAC advocates both lazy parenting and child abuse, and the Pearls ought to be in prison for what they've done to their own children as well as other people's children.
Very very Ill
This book is so sick in so many ways, but as you read you notice that no aspect of the child's personality is noted other than his "stubborness" and his "naughtiness" or whatever negative aspect of the child's personality they can dream up.They literally use the phrase, "to break them" - their goal is to break the kids. Have you ever seen a broken child? Do you know what kind of life a child broken young lives?These people are very sick and should not be able to get any closer than 10 feet to any child, including their own.P.S. Children are not mules.