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🎉 Your SNAP 🥳

I was so extremely disappointed with this CD. When my friend gave it to me I was rather excited because I love almost all of pauls earlier work, and have constantly preached that he was much better without Garfunkel. This CD proved me wrong, however, as I was disgusted by track after track. The song "old" showed promise at first, but soon became bland and repetitive. The rest of the CD is not worth even talking about, as it can be summed solely with the word awful.

Deeply disappointing

I've been a passionate Paul Simon fan from his early work w/ Garfunkel to the present, but this is set of songs is his weakest work possibly ever. Paul Simon has created so much beautiful music and brilliant lyrics over the years, but this set is just not up to his former standard. It's like he was on cruise control and just put something out, without thinking much about it or trying very hard. With the exception of 'Love', which is wonderful, the songs are weak and uninspired. The lyrics are annoying, preachy, and, especially on 'Pigs, Sheep and Wolves', badly sophomoric. I hope this CD doesn't show that he's lost his musical genius, and that his next CD will be a return to former greatness, but I now have my doubts. I'm getting rid of my copy.

Pretentious and self-absorbed

Why is it that comedians feel they must make a "serious movie" and pop singers feel they must comment on "life?" Guilt at their easy life, for doing so little perhaps.Simon whines and opines about his life, and ends the recording with an attack on police (pigs) and, I suppose, understanding for the predators that mar our social landscape (wolves, "never did no harm.")The sixties were a virus, not a flowering. Here is another dose.

Listen to it 10x before you judge

Paul Simon amazed me again with an album that should be placed on a pedestal that reaches the heavens. In this album, Simon is more obviously the driving force behind the music, but it also keeps much of the African and South American tones of Graceland and Rhythm of the Saints. Thankfully, Victor Nguini is present on the album--he is guitar's posterboy of understated guitar work genius. Like Radiohead, Simon's last few albums are not catchy, but grow on you more and more everytime you listen to them. Even if you hate the music of this album, you should buy it just for the lyrics. Peaceful as a Hurricane Eye is one of the most amazing songs, lyrically, I've ever heard.

A Long Time Coming - A Short Time Gone.

If, after a dozen years or so, this is all that Paul Simon has to say then it would have been best if he had waited another decade before attempting a new album. If he's all done then so be it. He's made remarkable music all of his life, the kind of soul catching music I grew up on both simple and complex-always memorable, engaging songs with which I can mark my own life. Unfortunately this new album is a once great fighter, dressed up like an indian chief, sadly dancing circles in the ring - not pretty, not memomorable and not worth the price of admission.

Sorry, not prime Simon

You're The One is not growing on me with repeated listenings- and I'm really trying to find the jewels. Frankly, Mr. Simon sounds somewhat dysphoric. Folks, Capeman is truly THE under-rated Paul Simon album. I would have loved to have had the opportunity to see the show (I've been listening to Reuben Blades and Marc Antony for years). If you feel the need to pick up a recent Simon album, get Capeman.

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