Endless quest
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is an epic movie in every way. I normally don't like fantasy-based movies but this one just blew me away. I enjoyed every minute of the 3 1/2 hours. I was hooked from beginning to end. It's rare that a movie of that length would keep anyone interested for that long. BUT IT DID! It was awesome. Visually it was excellent but the characters and the storyline is what will keep you hooked. The Characters are awesome. The acting was amazing. It was dramatic, emotional, and action-packed. The basic plot is about a hobbit (played oh so well by Elijah Wood) that acquires a ring of dark power and he has to destroy it. A lot unfolds along the way. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is pure magic and the ending leaves you craving parts 2 and 3.
the best movie
I saw it in the theaters yesterday and it was the best movie I have ever seen in my life. My dad would rate it good, and he would rate the best movies bad. This is a very, very good movie and I can't wait until The Two Towers and Retun of the King come out.
Perfect for the obsessive Lord of the Rings person
This is a Lord of the Rings groupie's dream. Plus you get a free ticket to the second movie, so it's really a good deal. Beautifully packaged, and full of fascinating stuff.On the half hour of new scenes, I see why they were cut, but it was fun to watch them anyway.
Yeah, all criticisms of the changes made to the book in this movie aside, it was pretty good. Most of the actors were well chosen (except maybe Elrond) and I would have liked to have seen Glorfindel, but all in all I was satisfied (my brother, who has read the books about a million times, hated it but watched it several times anyway) In particular i liked Liv Tyler as Arwen, and the CG and costumes are all very well done. Some of the scenes could have been done better (in particular the council of Elrond) but like I said I did enjoy this and its about as good as you could do with condensing the book into 3 hours. But Gimli didnt kick enough ... in Moria and Legolas didnt fire arrows nearly fast enough
the fellowship
?I saw it in theaters. In theaters It was PG-13 now on vhs it's "R". Why? Yes the movie is violent in some ways but not enough to have an "R" rating. in the Mines it is very intense. Very scarry for little kids. the Real life Look of all the actors and the action is also scarry . But it is clear that Good is aginst Evil and that is a good thing. So is the movie changing ??? The rating system is not something I can count on. this was a good movie for a kid my age to see with my parents. If it was "R" I never would have got to see it. It is Intense. I have seen it 6 times now. it is one of my favorite movies. Now my Dad is concerned about what changes have been made. These are great books and great movies. Good Vs Bad. The Movie is like what it looks like in my imigination when my dad reads to me Just not as gory.... I would have never imagined the Green Ork blood.. GROSS.
Having read the trilogy, It's absolutely the best production, from a book to the big screen I have ever seen. I really believed I was looking at middle earth. The casting was superb, and the acting was at another level. I can't wait for the other two. Thank you.