Van Morrison loves his stuff and they did an album together. Now what does that tell you? Smooth cool voice, witty, and nice jazzy piano. He's bad but soooooo good!
Mose knows.
I've been a big fan of his music for about 55 years. This is a great selection of his songs. BUY IT.
Blue eyed soul
I love his smooth mellow voice. He is able to get his meaning across with humor if you listen to all the lyrics. This album of his is one of my favorites.
Works but not well
It does work but not in some conditions, for example it dosn't work in high light conditions like outside. But on the flip side it is the cheapest barcode scanner and in does work 80 % of the time.
you'll never eat kraft again
Our family all agrees this is much better than kraft's mac & cheese.Much stronger cheese taste.Not the most healthful food on the planet, but quick, easy, tasty.
Great healthy mac and cheese!
This is THE best mac and cheese on the market. Just try it. Its rich and creamy, and all organic and as healthy cheese and pasta can possibly be.Amazon also has a very reasonable price on this to stock your pantry.