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🎉 Your SNAP 🥳
exploring new horizons out of our minds

I expected breathtaking pictures of nature and really something out of the ordinary.All I saw were the creators of the movie one after another talking what they did and how they felt,being in your face the whole time.They created a movie about themselves in a way.


OBSERVATIONS ON THIS MOVIE:*It's way too long and can't sustain suspense or interest for such a length.*A preposterous plot that never comes near to being credible.*Peter Gallagher's character is entirely unlikeable; he does one stupid thing after another and is unfair to both his wife, Mimi Rogers, and the siren Juliet Spring (Bridgette Nelson Sampras).*Why would anyone not see how manipulative and selfish Nelson's character is?*The scene where Mimi Rogers throws the head is either intentionally or unintentionally hilarious.Director Mick Garris usually does better work (he's done many of the Stephen King tv adaptations) than this.Worth a rental if you have two and a half hours you can't possibly find anything better to do with.


I bought this because i thought it looked good..... how wrong could i have been! It was torture to watch to the end, i kept wanting to turnit off but thought the plot might improve. It is now in the charity bin, i even feel guilty about that as someone else may buy it also thinking itgood! Boring!!!!!!

Bridgette Wilson's Freaky Looking Lips Were A Turn Off (for me)

I might have enjoyed this movie, if some one, any one! other then Bridgette Wilson played the part of Juliet Spring.In my opinion those swelled, puckered, oversized lips were a big distraction from the movie. All I could focus on was that mouth of hers, which I thought was beyond weird and freaky looking.Those adnormal looking lips just creeped me out so much, I lost interest in the movie.

Company has great customer service

Discovered that this didn't work with my tripod. They were super about taking it back and not charge a restocking fee.

Slik Pan Head

I have a SLIK Pro 340DX and like it. I needed to replace a head on another tripod that I have and opted to use the SLIK head to standardize mounts. This head fit the ticket perfectly!


Released under the MIT License.

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