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great editorial, bad biography, uninspired

I bought this to introduce the globe trotters to my 8 year old son. We were both bored to tears. It is mostly editorial by famous people associated with the globe trotters. Very little time spent on filming them in action. And the clips shown are very short. You walk away understanding the racial component and who did not get along with who. It would have been nice to see what the globe trotters are famous for. Meadowlark Lemon is breif and at the very end. If you are looking for editorials about the globe trotters this is it. If you are looking to see the globe trotters doing there thing skip this one.

Still tweezing/shaving

It's been over 8 weeks since I started using this product for my chin hair....Still doing too much tweezing and recently went back to shaving. It ain't working for me. Next stop...LASER TREATMENTS.


I purchased Kalo direct and used Kalo correctly and faithfully for two years. They said it 'takes time.' I saw absolutely no improvement. I do not recommend this product.

doesn't work

i've been trying this for months, and it doesn't work. I've given up. Try the tria laser thing. This works!! it's very expensive, but worth every penny! I used to have to shave every single day. not anymore! No thanks to this product

Not a good deal

This is not a good deal as you can order the 4 oz spray for $22.45 and the 2 oz lotion for 29.99 from the same vendor. That's nearly $20 less from this combo deal, which contains the same items, am I missing something?I've used this product before, and I can't say if it did anything for me permanently. But it did seem to reduce the ingrown hair problem a bit. And I followed instructions to the "t". I'm curious if anyone else at all, in the world, is using this?

Cheaper than it looks

This trash can is much less quality than it looks. I purchased it for my bedroom. The sway part at the top is too large for the hole and frequently sticks, making it extra work to throw your trash away. Also, the size seems much bigger online. Once a few tiems are in it, it's full (the top swings through so if anything is in it's way you can't put any more trash in it). Recommend a different product for this use.

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