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🎉 Your SNAP 🥳
Maybe its just me....

I heard this on Yahoo LAUNCHCAST (THe majority of it.) It is hard to believe that YAHOO & AMAZON would be selling a cheap rip-off of an original. (K-TELL presents:) I have seen the band on televison a couple of times recently. (I have heard a couple of cuts from the LIVE CD) And I do believe that this is that band. (Maybe not all original members?) I'd say check it out! Me personally I'm buying it, because if I'm correct and this band has just gone through and made changes. Its a tight recording! And if I'm wrong? (Then somebody may need to take credit for making a good thing better!)

Who's that female singer

Not the original lead female singer. She knows the words but now the song are off a little. I will listen more intently to the previews before purchasing again.

Should come with a disclaimer

This CD contained very poor covers & instrumentals of the originals. Even IF the musicians were good the sound quality was horrible throughout.

this music can't not better

hey i'm a fan of belguim and I was a fan from rose royce in the begin of he's career and I like them very much the bautyful sounds of them they making not anymore ,greetings

never again.

the kids liked making it, but i didn't like picking up the dandelion moss after he 'blossmed' not a hit for the grownup

Fascinating Time Capsule

This is a fine, concise look at America a century ago, with rare footage and fascinating information. For Baby Boomers who want a glimpse of the lives of their great-grandparents, or for younger folks their great-great-grandparents, this is a good choice. Also worth a look is the PBS documentary "1900" which complements, rather than duplicates, "Age of Hope".


Released under the MIT License.

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