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Hands down this a great book

Ever since reading this book several times, I don't know how I got through real-world social situtations without it. It's a great book that stresses the important truth that people are emotional and not always logical. It shows that disagreements really can be resolved for the better by looking at things from another's perspective. Further, I loved how the author takes you right into the world of '20 and 30s and the unique characteristics of the time period like referring to experiences, in the first person, right after the 'Great War' and getting a friendly greeting from President Teddy Roosevelt. These intriguing tid-bits do not push away the relevance of the material but amazingly re-enforce it with the notion that you will begin to reveal to yourself how similarly people act, think, emotionally connect in that time period and ours. Then, you will begin to see why these teachings work naturally with our everyday social experiences.


I LOVED this book. It was extremely interesting, and the valuable lessons learned about people are applicable in everyday life. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. It will be a valuable tool for any relationships you have, but ESPECIALLY business relationships. This is also a book you will read again and again.

A Must-Read For Anyone And Everyone

Do you know someone who's idea of a conversation is them talking non-stop for 3 hours? Have you barked orders at an employee or a loved-one and found they wouldn't comply? Have you ever wanted to get you point across to someone but they just won't listen to reason?Dale Carnegie has the answer for you in his book "How To Win Friends and Influence People". The book was born out of a need : to have a textbook on people - how to deal with them on a social level and how to make friends. That was in 1936. Over 75 years have passed since its first printing and these principles still apply today.We could all do a better job on how we deal with people, and this is the book that will show you the way.

Read this before you fire off that flaming email...

Everything your mother taught you but documented with a blueprint as to how to apply the concepts to life, business and relationships. This book describes how industry giants, entrepreneurs and everyday people have successfully and skillfully thrived by making people feel better about themselves and in turn created a climate where people wanted to buy.

Ben Palacio 6-13A+

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This is an Absolute GEM which should be in every thinker's arsenal of Human relationship tools. I first read the book over twenty years ago, bought the cassette set about ten years ago and now I have the cd..Magnificent.

Timeless classic

The content of this book will seem so obvious that you will wonder for some time why you don't already do what it contains.Dale really did understand people 70 years ago more than most people do now. Whatever line of work you are in this book could well change your life.


Released under the MIT License.

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