Lack details or examples
Lets see, The author wants to say that the constraints on how an embryo can be grown will affect what possible phenotypes are actualised. Well that seems plausible enough, I would be interesting in finding out more about HOW to actually grow an embryo? why cant you grow a wheel and axle? But the author doesn't know, too bad. All he can do is talk about how English he is and how great is its to be English and that development must have _somthing_ to do with evolution, Oh and by they way the author is English.
Fine fine music
You would think one voice and one guitar would get pretty wearying after this many years. John Darnielle maybe thought so too as the production on his new record is a lot fuller and some tracks have more than one instrument. Fantastic! Not that he needed to do any of this as his sheer lyrical ability and tunefullness could carry an album of twice this length. Mark my words this is an album that will greatly increase Darnielle's profile.If you are a fan of literacy in music, sincerity, humour, a good tune, and a concept album that is actually engaging then buy this record now. Please.
Funny and Improved
The Mountain Goats used much better equipment to record this latest CD. I enjoyed this CD, but I felt that there was too much of a distinct variation stylistically. Songs like "No Children" are great and they have dark and morbid lyrics accompanied by an uplifting tune. "Tallahassee" is a soothing song, but I was not a big fan of "Oceanographer's Choice" and "See America Right" because they sound like really badly done acoustic screamo. If you were a Mountain Goats fan before this CD, you will love it. There's a very likely chance that you will like the Mountain Goats(at least their slower paced material) if you like bands like Iron & Wine. Their more upbeat songs that are nice are "First Few Desperate Hours" and "Southwood Plantation Road." Overall, the CD is worth the money. I hope that the Mountain Goats continue to make CDs like this because they are a large overall improvement over most of their other CDs.
What if ...
... you continued the early morning drinking of spring break days or your friend who wised up and left her junkie boyfriend fell down with him instead?The artist carries the listener down a path many have only briefly glimpsed and explores love in the midst of self destruction. The result is something very different from his norm (where the alpha couple might be the subject of only one song); and something that is far more powerful.The great irony is the Mountain Goats use a new polished sound to cover these dark, dark songs. If that bothers you, buy something else.
Beautiful Solace
This is a ballade-album that I have played over and over again. The melodies are so beatiful and I keep finding new things to enjoy each time I listen to the album. My favorite songs from the album is the melanokolic track 3:Loves Circle and the lighter tune Rendevouz..oh and ofcourse My Beatrice that is the last track on the album.The musisican plays really well together
If you need it you need it, but beware.
I am currently on my third of these car chargers. I have had to return the previous two, with some difficulty, as they continue to stop working. I have not been tough on them at all, they simply stop charging, the light won't go on, or they simply won't work. I realize that there aren't many options, as Samsung has been clever enough to design a very unique plug and it is unlikely that other manufacturers will emerge, but it is a shame that this product is not as durable as the phones that it supports.