Good Book
I thought this was a pretty good book... some of the other reviews were, well... a bit harsh to say the least. I liked it though i thought it was quite exciting and kept me interested just about the whole time. Although at times it seemed a bit biased but nothing that bad, and i was very happy to find the boys from rainbow making an appearance. Well thats about it for me.
Ryan, the reactionary
Yes, this book develops too slowly, but when it finally begins to show its true colors, it gets pretty ugly. I stopped reading this book on page 183. That's when President Ryan spews forth all of Clancy's anti-abortion rhetoric to the less than convincing arguments of his chief of staff.This is Clancy's last war for this reader. I'll leave him 845 pages from the next treaty and long before he sends the world to war once again.
Wish I could give it less than one star. I took this book to Hawaii and tried to read it on the plane. Then I tried to read it on the beach. 150 pages into it and it was still going nowhere. I left it at the condo for the next poor unsuspecting sap to pick up and try to read. Clancy has gone seriously downhill since Red Storm Rising.
Very Slow read
I have been an avid Tom Clancy fan since "The Hunt for Red October." I have read all of his single-author books and many of the earlier books for which he is a co-author, but I had to really work to read this book. I must admit that I was not greatly impressed by "Rainbow Six" when I noticed an increased tendency for Clancy to include more foul language than he had in earlier works. One thing I miss is his clean concise writing and character action and development. I felt like I could read his books and enjoy their inherent complexities and character development without having to work my way through character after character swearing with and at each other. This book also delves into sexual encounters quite early.I greatly enjoy Clancy's other books, but this book is a very bad read. You may call the dialog in this book reality, but I can do without it in my pleasure reading.
Can't put it down
I got this book on Monday and finished reading it at 2AM this morning. Once I opened it, I couldn't put it down. For once, Clancy did not spend pages and pages covering technical data until the eyes glazed over. My eyes glazed over, but from fatigue since I couldn't stop reading it. This is a story that once you get into it, you won't want to stop until it is over. I do not know it the hardware described in it is either available or in development, but if it is available, war just won't pay in the future for anyone.
Jingo Tom and the Magic Dragon
Unbelievably I continued to read and finish this piece of garbage. Besides the incredible shallowness of the characters and the increase in profanity (I don't think Nixon swore this much) I continue to be deeply disturbed by the overt racism Jingo TC shows toward Asians (Chinese and Japanese in particular). Besides using "Chinks" and "slant eyes" as descriptive terms he tries to cover up by making nice talk toward African Americans...sorry can't buy the rich white Baptist Minister trading pulpits with Rev. Jackson in Mississippi...things haven't changed that much in the south...don't know where Tom does research but it isn't below the Mason Dixon. His making the Russians our good buddies now only reinforces the fact that caucasians of any flavor can be trusted and other races are demonic little yellow people.TC needs to grow up and get a new career...this one isn't working.