So Sad!
This was one of the first books I got that I really disliked. My mom got it for me when I was about 11 or 12 and I got all the way to the "baby part" (which I'm sure you all have heard about...uck!) I had to put it down because I was crying to hard. I decided to finish it because I really liked the main character and still wanted to know the ending but to this day I still don't know how it ended because that one chapter was haunting me and I could get it out of my head. Anytime me and my friends talk about books in general I always say how I couldn't stand this one.
The Giver
Every once in a while, a book comes along that changes the way we look at ourselves and at the world in which we live. The Giver is one of those books. The writing style is deceptively simple; the prose conveys controversial and explosive ideas and issues with incredible clarity. This is truly an incredible book... for readers of all ages.
The Giver
The GiverBY Tori HallI thought the book The Giver was ok. The beginning of the book started out good but as the book went on I found that it got strange. The book took on a very science fiction sense as it got into the book. The book changed from being a book about a different community to being a book that kept talking about people killing other people with shots. I found it changed around too much through out the book to really enjoy it. And last of all the ending left me confused. I did not know if the main character Jonas had died or if he found A different place or what. I think another factor that made me not really enjoy the book is the fact that we had to read it for school. When you are forced to read something you do not enjoy it as much as if you choose to read it.
For Readers12 and under Only
Written at a 6th grade reading level, The Giver has very little literary or stylistic value. It is filled with cliched rhetoric such as "intelligence" "integrity", "courage", and "wisdom" -- words fit for a middle school graduation. Lowry creates a futuristic world that seems too much like a follow up of Orwell's *1984*, and is really a very bland version of *Brave New World*. The themes and ideas can hardly be called original. Though for a children's book, it is quite valuable in its effective warning against modern society's trend toward regimentation and sterilization. As for anyone over 12 years of age, read Brave New World if you want intellectual stimulation.
The Giver
The Giver was a great book to me. Unlike alot of other books this one kept me on the edge of my seat and I was always wondering what was going to happen next. It was the only book the teacher issued that I actually liked to read and didn't want to put down.When I read it I sometimes felt sorry for Jonas because he was so different and his friends couldn't even relate to what Jonas was going through. He wanted so much to tell his friends everything he knew but he wasn't allowed to. But he ending up being happy so I would definately recomend this book to everyone.
My opinion
This book was not that very interesting since I really don't like reading.I thought this book could make me fall asleep even with loud sounds by me.It could have been since I hate reading long books like this one.But I still read it so I kind of liked some parts of it.I really didn't understand it that's why. Books bore me so don't take it personaly alright.I liked the idea of them trying to save Gabriel.The whole memories thing was dumb in away.